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5 Tips for Surviving Valentines Day During Divorce

February 03, 20242 min read

5 Tips to Get Through Love Month

When you're getting divorced - Valentine's Day is a clear reminder that everything is changing.

No gushy love notes, no date night, no roses & chocolate.

No passion, intimacy, or sweet caresses.

February is rough.

Divorce is hard

If you're feeling bitter and mad at the world, that's completely normal. You're not alone.

It could help to have a plan for Feb 14...

Here are 5 Tips to help you get ready for Valentine's Day and get through it without a meltdown:

1. Schedule some volunteer, time do some hard core cardio, clean out a drawer or a whole room, etc. Throw yourself into a project or create something new.

2. Self care, self care, self care: buy yourself flowers or candy (I love Dove Promises because there is a sweet love note inside each wrapper), watch your favorite movie, shower your pet with affection, be creative…anything that brings you a few moments of joy and peace. Write a love letter to yourself.

3. Connect with friends who are alone, too...or plan a date night with yourself and order-in from your favorite spot. 

4. Focus on your kids: make cards, bake cupcakes, write to them in a special love note. Have an at home celebration with heart shaped pizza.

5. STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! You don't need to scroll through all those pictures of your friends being "lovey" with their partners...and you don't need to go down the "rabbit hole" of resentment and dissatisfaction in your FaceBook groups for divorcees.

Focus on yourself all month long! Do all the things that you wish your former partner had done for you.

If you're struggling through divorce, and don't want to do it all ALONE anymore...

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Rebecca Wolf

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